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Gardeners let their lawns grow for No Mow May

Words by Smiley Team

Weeds get a bad rep, say the gardeners who participated in No Mow May. Rather than seeing them as a blight on gardens, these eco-conscious individuals see native plant species as highly beneficial for local ecosystems.

So last month, gardeners locked up their mowers and let their lawns grow wild. Their efforts contributed to a campaign to support biodiversity, led by nature charity Plantlife. It encourages people to mow less, at different lengths and frequencies throughout the summer after holding off completely in May.

The campaign saw back gardens, yards and balconies transform into a colourful display of yellow buttercups, blue borage, red poppies and other native flower species. This mass of flora provides an abundance of nectar for pollinators - a vital energy source for species all the way up the food chain.

Oli Wilson of Plantlife explains: “May is a crucial month for flowering plants that need to get a firm foothold.”

“Plantlife guidance across the year recommends a layered approach to the garden cut, where shorter grass is complemented by areas of longer grass. This two-tone approach boosts floral diversity and nectar and pollen production through the year,” he adds.

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