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Befriending scheme needs volunteers

Words by Smiley Team

A befriending scheme in South Yorkshire needs more volunteers to help support elderly members of the community who are lonely or isolated.

The Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care (SCCCC) Good Neighbour Scheme pairs up volunteers to support elderly people with a regular telephone chat. And the charity hopes to expand the service to include friendly visits in the future, once the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted further.

Fred Hall, 82, has had regular chats with an SCCCC volunteer since his wife moved into a care home and he was left living alone. Fred said: “I’ve been part of SCCCC’s Good Neighbour Scheme ever since my wife moved into a care home when it became too difficult for me to look after her.

“For me, joining the scheme was just about being able to speak to interesting people. I still visit my wife in the care home once a week, but for much of the pandemic I was only allowed to see her through the window. At least now I can hold her hand.”

Fred has found the support of Beryl, the volunteer who calls him fortnightly, has improved his well being ‘tremendously’.

He said: “I’m so grateful for Beryl- my SCCCC volunteer- who rings me every fortnight on a Friday. We’ve built up a brilliant relationship and I like that way she takes a real and genuine interest in my life.

“We talk about how I am, what we’ve both been up to, how my wife is doing and lots of different topics besides.

“Just having someone different to talk to has helped my life tremendously and I’m really grateful to SCCCC for the support they are giving me- whenever I’m talking to people I do mention the scheme and how much it is helping me.”

SCCCC is currently recruiting new volunteers to be paired up with older people like Fred for telephone support, with anyone in South Yorkshire eligible to help out.

For more information see the SCCCC website or follow them on Twitter.

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