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Students Come Together To Help Age UK

Words by Smiley Team

This Autumn, students from University College London and Imperial College London are helping Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham prevent isolation and loneliness.

The UCL Women’s Basketball team and Imperial ICSM Connect societies are taking on the #TakeTheLunge. This is a Peer to Peer challenge to complete 500 lunges before the 20th of October. As the charity struggled to fundraise this year due to lockdown restrictions, these students have decided to stand up for their older neighbours and fundraise to keep their vital minibus service.

During lockdown, the minibus helped take older residents to reserved morning slots ensuring they could get their shopping done before the council came to their aid. The service has a long history of providing invaluable support for older people. For over 12 years, the minibus has transported older people with mobility issues outside of their home.

The service consists of essential supermarket trips as well as outings around and outside of London. Besides providing essential supplies, it is an opportunity for older people to form friendships and feel part of a community. For many, it is the only way they can enjoy a sense of freedom from the daily isolation they endure.

The 87-year-old widow Lillian Urban, one of their beneficiaries, has been one of the most fervent voices trying to keep her “lifeline”. Housebound and with no family remaining, she looks forward to these fortnightly reunions. During her interview with ITV News, she confessed that thinking about the future minibus trips had kept her from giving up during lockdown.

The charity needs to get a new minibus that complies with the new low emission standard in London enforced this October. Launching the #TakeTheLunge campaign, Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham is hoping to recruit more people in the community to take up the challenge, raising both essential funds and awareness, and in the end, keeping this essential service. With different lunge variations and two entry levels, the challenge is suitable for all fitness levels. Some of the older people who are regulars at Age UK Hammersmith and Fulham’s Knees Joints and Ligaments fitness classes have even taken part in a seated lunge.

If you would like to take part, the easiest option includes 50 lunges, a donation of £5 texting LUNGE to 70450 (LUNGENOINFO) to opt out of marketing and challenging 5 friends to spread the message.

For the really keen fundraisers, a challenge of 500 lunges is available to garner support from family, colleagues and friends. Visit the Age UK Hammersmith and Fulham fundraising page and sign up today.

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