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Are women’s groups the answer to gender-specific issues?

Words by Smiley Team

This International Women’s Day, people across the world are celebrating the solutions to gender inequities, from national programmes to small acts. Launched in November 2021, WomenSpeak is one of these solutions, offering an early response to support women’s positive mental health and wellbeing. 

Facilitated by creative director Christelle Pellecuer and psychotherapist Kate Manley, these online sessions offer a safe space for women to share, whether it be their problems or achievements. 

All women who attend the sessions bring something different.

“Our group is very inclusive, we have different women of different backgrounds, race, religion, background,” said Christelle. “For example, I was raised in Madagascar and later adopted by a white family. That influences who I am today. When we come into this group, we share who we are so we share these stories with the group.”

Kate added: “In a sense, I bring my mental health work to the sessions. But I’m not present as a therapist. While I’m a facilitator I’m also a member of these groups.”


A supportive space for all women

The sessions provide mutual support for women dealing with diverse issues including those specific to their gender. These challenges often include being supportive of others, a role which has greatly intensified in need with the pandemic. 

“Often what we find in groups with just women is that they tend to be in quite caring supportive roles. But no matter what they’re doing in life, I think there’s always a need to provide safe spaces where people can get together and let go of these roles whether it’s as a mother, daughter, sister, carer, employee,” Kate said.

“Some of the issues we discuss are very much about women,” added Christelle. “There are some issues that you might not feel comfortable discussing with people who haven’t been through that kind of experience. A mixed group is also very important because we can learn from people of different genders. All spaces are valid.”

Through talking as a group, sharing what they want to share and offering emotional support, the women reinforce one another’s self-confidence and wellbeing.

“At the end of the session, women often say it’s such a relief to get stuff off their chest,” said Kate. “They haven’t had to pretend, they can be themselves, be authentic. They feel rejuvenated, that they have taken care of themselves and have even had some fun.”

Having only recently launched, the WomenSpeak groups are still building momentum. Taking place online, the sessions are accessible to anyone across the country or abroad and run every other Monday at 6.45 pm GMT. To join sign up here. By making a small donation to join the groups you can help cover the running costs and promotion of each session.

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