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BelEve partner with TikTok & Bloom Boosters to support young girls

Words by Smiley Team


BelEve partnered with up with TikTok and Bloom Boosters to present a Marketing and Communications Career Insight Day. The girls involved created two viral trends on TikTok as part of the virtual event. 

The two trends were based on raising awareness of social issues of heritage and Allyship. One trend invited young people to demonstrate their culture and traditions through #traditiontales and the other invited them to demonstrate their allyship to a cause they care about through #myally.

BelEve is a growing non-profit centred around helping girls become the future leaders of tomorrow through an array of workshops, personal development programmes and mentoring. These run throughout the year for girls aged 8-21 years old and are specific to age groups.

Their main goals are empowerment and career guidance, not only providing meaningful impact for girls who join their community but also reminding them of activism and using their knowledge to empower other girls and women.

TikTok is a growing social media platform, that organisations are now using as a tool of engagement, and by creating and pioneering two trends based on activism and compassion for social issues BelEve has been successful in raising its brand recognition.

Their insight day was offered to girls 14-19 years old, TikTok’s main demographic is this age group and, therefore, it saw great participation and engagement from girls interested in a career in Marketing and Communications.

"Our LeadHerShip Programme is important as it helps girls from a multitude of backgrounds, improves and develops personal and social capabilities and builds our sisterhood network of female role models." said a spokesperson for BelEve. 

"Partnering with TikTok and Bloom was a very exciting prospect as it allowed girls an insight into one of the most popular social platforms in the world today which they otherwise would not have had access to.

"TikTok is a very influential platform and to partner with them was transformational for the organisation and our community."

Through their LeadHerShip Programme BelEve provide various Career Insight Days, in partnership with major corporations, desiring to fulfil their corporate responsibility. In 2021 they will be providing more Career Insight Days.

To find out more about BelEve and support their mission head to


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