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Three million pound house draw to raise funds for the BHF

Words by Smiley Team

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is partnering with online charity fundraising platform Omaze on their latest campaign. Omaze is offering one lucky person the chance to win a stunning three-million-pound house in Central London to help raise crucial funds to support the charity's life saving research.

Los Angeles-based Omaze has already raised over £100 million to support more than 350 charities around the world thanks to its revolutionary approach to fundraising and we’re excited to be their latest partner.

Located in leafy Fulham - the ‘Omaze Million Pound House supporting the British Heart Foundation’ is the UK’s first ever three million-pound house prize with a guaranteed winner. 

The beautiful four storey freehold property boasts three bedrooms and a stunning outdoor office and gym space. Omaze will even throw in £10,000 to help the winner settle in. 

The new owner of this spectacular house is free to live in it, rent it or sell it. There’s no mortgage, no stamp duty or conveyancing to pay. The winner of this life changing prize will become an instant millionaire three times over.

The charity's celebrity supporters Penny Lancaster, David Ginola, Yinka Bokinni and Sarah, Duchess of York feature in the launch video for the campaign to encourage people to enter the draw and support the life-saving organisation. 

Penny Lancaster is no stranger to the heartbreak caused by heart and circulatory diseases. In 2017, her dad Graham suffered a heart attack. Her husband, Rod Stewart also has a close connection to the cause as both of his brothers have undergone surgery for serious heart conditions in recent years.  

"This incredible house will be a life changing prize for one lucky winner - but more importantly - the money raised through Omaze’s innovative approach to fundraising will help the British Heart Foundation continue its life saving research during these challenging times and well into the future." Penny said. 

"I’ve seen first-hand how families can be devastated by heart diseases, meaning the money raised will make an immense difference to people right across the UK.”

Despite phenomenal research progress over the last 60 years, heart and circulatory diseases - including heart attackstroke and vascular dementia - kill one in four people in the UK and are the leading cause of death worldwide. People with many of these conditions are also at increased risk of serious illness if they are infected with Covid-19, making BHF's work more needed than ever. 

Eighty percent of the draw profits will go to supporting the BHF and the promotion will raise a minimum donation £100,000, with an estimated raise of £500,000. This comes at a time when the charity are having to cut our funding for new research in half due to the devastating impact of Covid-19 on their fundraising.

CEO and Co-Founder of Omaze Matt Pohlson said: “We’re honoured to support the British Heart Foundation and help them reach a new audience to raise as much money as possible that will go to support their work. 

“The BHF is a cause that really resonates with me personally as I’ve had major complications with my heart that actually lead to me being declared dead for four minutes a few years ago. The kind of pioneering research that the BHF undertakes is exactly why I’m still standing today. It’s genuinely life saving work.

“Omaze is a win-win for both charities and donors. By offering an incredible prize like this three million-pound home, we’re giving people the chance to win, while also introducing charities to donors they wouldn’t have access to otherwise. We’ve found this method of fundraising is making a big difference to causes all around the world.”

Draw entries are now available on Omaze's website. The promotion is open to entrants who are at least 18 years of age and residents from around the world (prohibited jurisdictions excluded). 

The Omaze Million Pound House Draw supporting the BHF is open until midnight on Friday 26th March 2021.

There will also be 2,000 runner-up prizes including a Jaguar F-Type Coupe, a VW California Ocean Campervan, a £10,000 Home Tech Hamper and weekly cash giveaways of £1,000.

To find out more about the BHF's life-saving work and to find out how to get involved head to 

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