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Brave young fundraiser has a chop for charity

Words by Smiley Team

Cutting off her long golden locks, a young supporter of homeless charity DENS, Laura, has raised over £2,000 for people living on the streets this winter. 

The 10-year-old student at Bishop Wood School in Tring, Hertfordshire, decided to raise money for DENS after she was inspired by fundraising projects organised by her teachers.

“I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while,” she said. “I know about DENS through my school because we support the Harvest Appeal. I want to do something to help homeless people because everyone deserves a home. 

“It’s wrong that people don’t have somewhere to stay and something to eat so that every day is a struggle. I want to stop that struggle.”

To help Laura support this cause she cares so passionately about, you can donate to her fundraiser here.



Providing solace on the streets

Operating across Dacorum, West Hertfordshire, DENS offers temporary accommodation for people sleeping rough, as well as food parcels and drop-in centres for vulnerable people in the district. They run a helpline for people worried that they are about to become homeless and offer skill-building opportunities through their bike fixing project, coffee stall and catering enterprise. 

The pandemic has taken a significant toll on DENS' ability to support the most vulnerable people in their local community. At their food bank, they have seen an unprecedented rise in the number of people coming to collect food parcels and are looking for financial support towards operating costs so they can continue providing vital food and hygiene supplies. 

To support their cause make a donation via their website. 

For more information about DENS services visit

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