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L.O.U, the charity transforming young lives in Brooklyn

Words by Cheyanne Bryan

Loving Others in Unity, or L.O.U. is a non-profit organisation transforming the lives of young people in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York.

Founder Desirea Harris started L.O.U. to transform the lives of young people in the community in which she grew up in and continues to work in today. Raised alongside her mother by her grandmother, she says: “[my grandmother] taught me the importance of kindness, to look into people’s hearts. She gave me so many life lessons and I just feel like all the youth in this community could definitely use this.”

Whilst also working her day job as a hairstylist, Desirea works with a team to provide essential mentorship and practical support while supporting young people to explore their interests in trades such as cosmetology, photography and construction to prepare them for a successful life.

In this video, L.O.U. gave a prom experience to local students helping them with dresses and suits including their hair and nails.

Click to watch the full episode!

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

WorkingRite. This is a Scotland-based charity that helps young people get their foot in the door and gain employment opportunities. Find out more.

The Princes Trust. This charity offers free support to young job seekers in need of training or confidence to find a job that matches their interests. Find out more here.

CEE Centre For Young Black Professionals. This Canadian-based charity is making a difference to support young Black people by providing the necessary resources and guidance to help them secure meaningful employment opportunities. Support them here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG No Poverty, Quality Education.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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