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The work of Cancer Research UK ensures life-saving discoveries. Now they could be forced to cut £150 million per year from its research funding

Words by Smiley Team

Leading charity Cancer Research UK could be forced to cut £150 million per year from its research funding as the COVID-19 pandemic decimates its income.


As the funder of around 50% of all publicly funded cancer research in the UK, cuts in Cancer Research UK funding will not only prevent future breakthroughs for people with cancer but will have a massive impact on scientists and research infrastructure that have taken decades to build. Ultimately, this could set back or even reverse the progress we have seen in survival for people with cancer.


Alongside the Association of Medical Research Charities, Cancer Research UK is urgently asking the Government to work with them to develop a solution that will bridge the funding gap. They believe that collectively medical research charities are an essential part of the post-pandemic solution to rebooting the UK’s economy, ensuring that the UK is still on course to become a global science superpower.


“Medical research charities like Cancer Research UK are a vital pillar of the UK’s life sciences ecosystem. We support thousands of scientists and world-leading research initiatives in all parts of the UK, all with the aim to improve the lives of people with cancer.” said Michelle Mitchell, Cancer Research UK’s chief executive. 


“We have been massively hit by COVID-19 as our fundraising efforts have been hugely restricted. We have been doing everything possible to limit the impact. But without a way to bridge this funding gap, we will have to make radical decisions about cutting life-saving research, which will severely impact our vision of seeing 3 in 4 people survive their cancer within the next 20 years. Ultimately, it will be patients who will suffer the consequences, which is heartbreaking.” 


Cancer Research UK is now preparing for a 30% fall in income in the 2020/21 financial year, with further losses in the next year, following the temporary closures of its shops and major fundraising events being cancelled during the COVID-19 crisis. Coupled with an uncertain economic environment, this means even more difficult decisions about where further cuts to its life-saving research will need to be made.


In context, cutting £150 million would mean a major contraction in the charities infrastructure, such as the network of Centres and Institutes, with the potential closure of some sites. Additionally, thousands of early-career scientists would be left unsupported and unfunded. New projects would not be able to be funded short term - including clinical trials - meaning new cancer treatments cannot be developed. 


Cancer Research UK’s long-term investment in state-of-the-art facilities has helped create a thriving network of research at 90 institutions in more than 40 towns and cities across the UK. This spread of investment across different regions of the UK is also at risk at a time when the Government seeks to rebalance research investment across the UK. 


Their work benefits patients everywhere and is also integral to supporting the Government in meeting their target of 75% of cancers being diagnosed at an early stage. Although the Government has provided £750 million in support for charities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cancer Research UK, like other medical research charities, is not eligible for this funding


“Our world-class research, alongside that from other medical research charities, is the lifeblood that fuels the UK’s biotech engines and ensures our life-saving discoveries keep moving forward. Cancer Research UK is now facing devastating funding cuts, which will severely hinder the vital work that is carried out in our laboratories.” Karen Vousden, Cancer Research UK's chief scientist, said. 


She continues: “Loss of funding opportunities will also risk an exodus of our best scientists to other countries and we are faced with losing a generation of scientists in the early stages of their careers. This will cause a severe contraction in our research talent and research infrastructure, which will be hugely detrimental to our ability to carry out the world-leading research that has dramatically improved our understanding and treatment of cancer.”


Professor Charles Swanton, Cancer Research UK’s chief clinician, said: “Cuts of this magnitude to Cancer Research UK’s research funding will have a deep and long-lasting impact on our vibrant life-sciences industry, a sector that provided science-led solutions to the pandemic, highlighting the need for us to keep this strong and intact. A loss of £150 million is the equivalent of 10 years’ worth of clinical trials going unfunded.”


“Cancer Research UK has been an effective partner with the Government and the UK life-science industry. But now we need support from our partners during the period of recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, to ensure we can continue our world-class cancer research for the benefit of everyone. Without that support we will have to make devastating funding cuts to our discovery and clinical research portfolio at a time when the impact of COVID-19 on cancer patients has never been so great.” Added Swanton


To find out more about Cancer Research UK’s important work and you can support you can head over to their website where you can also donate and find out more about what the charity needs right now to survive COVID-19. 


By Ellen Jones

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