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Care home resident donates live savings

Words by Smiley Team

A care home resident has donated her life savings in aid of others suffering with their mental health.

Kim Ali who lives at Coxley House, a care home for adults with mental health needs in East London, made the donation after becoming inspired by fundraising.

The 57-year-old who struggles with her own mental health, has been saving the change from her weekly food shops for twenty years and decided to gift it to charity Mind UK.

After receiving the donation, Mind sent Kim a personal message to thank her for her generosity. 

“We are so proud of Kim," says Shabanaz Begum, manager at Coxley House. "This incredible act of kindness is even more impressive when you consider what she is going through. To see the look of delight on her face when she watched the thank you video was amazing."

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Kim sadly has a terminal lung disease and wanted to donate her savings to a cause closest to her heart. In 2021, she became inspired to fundraise after taking part in an event to raise money for World Mental Health Day in October.

The care home residents came together and sold homemade jewellery boxes, Christmas cards and cupcakes to members of the public. Thanks to her creativity and unrivalled attention to detail, Kim’s crafts ended up being the biggest sellers by the end of the day.

“Kim loves art and contributing to the community, so this was the perfect event for her," says Shabanaz. "A range of creative activities have become a natural part of daily life for all residents at Coxley House, but for no one more than Kim.

“Creating things has a healing effect on her – it takes her away from her reality and physical pain.”

Despite difficulties with her health, Kim plans on continuing with her fundraising streak and using her creative abilities to raise more money. She has decided that the next cause that she wishes to contribute to is the supporting of mental health inside UK prisons.

Kim’s decision to donate all of her money to a worthwhile cause has left staff at the home feeling inspired, especially manager Shabanaz.

“Her ability to think of others at a time of hardship is nothing short of inspirational. Despite the limited amount of time she has left, she is still supporting other residents and always has a smile on her face. Being confined to her home hasn’t held her back in the slightest - she really is an example to us all.”

Inspired to act?

DONATE: Donate to Mind UK, the leading mental health charity in the UK. 

VOLUNTEER: Learn how you can get involved and volunteer with Mind.


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