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Catering company donates over £40,000 to Covid-19 responses

Words by Smiley Team

Following the incredible support provided by Covid-19 mutual aid groups, corporations are stepping up to show they too are invested in their local communities. Joining the movement to support those worst hit by Covid-19 is care home meals provider, apetito. They made donations of over £40,000 to charities around Wiltshire working with some of those most affected by Covid-19 over Christmas.

From the donations, £20,000 was given to their long-standing charity partner, Alzheimer’s Support, to assist its day clubs, offering respite for people living with dementia. This charitable cause links closely to apetito’s work providing meals for those living in care homes.

They will donate a further £10,000 to The Trussell Trust which runs food banks across the UK. Another £10,000 will go to The Salvation Army’s Christmas appeal, to help the most vulnerable suffering under the double weight of winter weather and the pandemic.

Alzheimer’s Support CEO Babs Harris welcomed the news saying: “We are thrilled to receive this very generous donation which will make a real difference to the support we are able to provide in Wiltshire. We are so proud of our partnership with apetito.”

“The company is committed to helping people live well with dementia and has a deep and genuine understanding of our work. We love the fact that apetito encourages its employees to spend time in our day clubs and groups, gaining insight into the lives of people affected by dementia and seeing how the money they raise for Alzheimer’s Support is spent.

The charity drive was led by Paul Freeston, chair and CEO of apetito UK and North America. He said: “2020 has been an incredibly challenging year and we fully appreciate that this year, more than ever, every penny counts to help those in greatest need. When COVID first appeared, few of us foresaw the impact it would have on our lives.”

Encouraging other businesses to make similar charitable donations, apetito spokesperson, Caroline Hole-Jones said: “Every business takes a different approach to CSR and supporting their local communities. Here at apetito we passionately believe that even the smallest contributions alongside offers of help and support can make a real difference.”

You too can aid those suffering this winter in lockdown and vulnerable to Covid-19. A donation to the Salvation Army will help elderly people living alone as well as those living in poverty or without shelter. Donations to the Trussell Trust will help keep people fed this winter. You can also follow apetito’s lead and help those with dementia by donating via Alzheimer’s Support.

For more information on the work apetito does to support its customers and local community, visit

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