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This charity created a dictionary with one word

Words by Smiley Team

UK for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency’s UK charity, has teamed up with the nation’s favourite wordsmith, Susie Dent, to launch a dictionary that will define only one word – “refugee” – but in thousands of different personal and thought-provoking ways.

The project marks the 70th Anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention on 28 July, which first defined who a refugee is in law and set out the human rights of women, men and children fleeing the horrors of war and persecution to seek safety in another country.

Since then, the word refugee has taken on countless personal meanings. The Refugee Dictionary aims to remind us of the rich tapestry of stories and futures made possible because of this significant human rights convention and celebrate the UK’s proud tradition of giving refuge by inviting the public to join in. 

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It's hoped the project will bring thousands of new meanings to the word and highlight that refugees aren’t confined or defined by one word but are individuals with myriad rich stories, hopes and lives.

UK for UNHCR is encouraging everyone to take part, from those who have sought refuge in the UK or people whose family members were refugees, to those who simply want to celebrate the positive role of refugees in their communities and to the country.

Launching the campaign, Susie Dent said: “Your definition will be yours alone, born of your own experience. It might be ‘A grandfather with a wicked sense of humour, who told a great bedtime story’ or ‘A wonderful friend who misses the scent of jasmine flowers.’ This is about focusing on personal stories. We can’t wait to read the varied and wonderful contributions. My definition is: “A refugee is the mother who sees her child find their smile again, free of turmoil, full of hope.” 

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The campaign has already garnered support from Lord Alf Dubs, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and actor David Morrissey, artist Professor Helen Storey, and the first female Syrian refugee pilot and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Maya Ghazal. All have shared their definitions, ready to appear in the final book on 28 July.  

 Also set to feature are the words of refugee students helped into tertiary education by UNHCR and its partners, with definitions including: “A refugee is a well spiced dish that can impress the world”; “A refugee is a good teacher, like a candle that consumes itself to light the way for others” and “A refugee is a trans man who simply enjoys the little things this life has to offer such as flowers and scents.” 

For the last 70 years, the UN Refugee Convention has helped to protect the millions of vulnerable people forced to flee their homes. Countries that have signed up to the Convention agree to protect refugees, but also to provide them with a series of rights including the right to work, to education and to a home, making a huge difference and allowing individuals and families to build a future.

The final Refugee Dictionary will be unveiled to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention on the 28 July 2021. To find out more about the campaign, visit


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