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Charity launches alcohol helpline to support over 50s with drinking problem

Words by Smiley Team

People over 50 are drinking more alcohol than ever since the first national lockdown, and more than half of them are drinking at a level which could cause health problems, according to new research.

A survey conducted by mental health charity We Are With You found that while data shows alcohol consumption is decreasing in younger age groups, it is having a serious impact on those over 50, with more than 2.1 million over 50s reporting alcohol is negatively affecting their mental health.

In addition more than 1.9 million over 50s say lockdown restrictions lead them to start drinking earlier in the day, and more than 5.2 million over 50s say the restrictions have led to them drinking alone.

The charity has launched a new free and confidential helpline in response to their findings, aimed at anyone who is worried about their drinking - or anyone who is worried about how much a parent or loved one is drinking.

The helpline has been funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and will be running seven days a week. Callers will be able to speak to a trained advisor for confidential advice, information and support.

Julie Breslin, Head of the Drink Wise, Age Well programme at We Are With You said: “Many older adults are unable to see their loved ones or friends and are drinking more as a way to cope with increased loneliness, isolation and anxiety.

“Our work shows over 50s are most likely to reach out to a service that’s specifically aimed at them. That’s why we are launching this helpline.

“To anyone 50 or over who’s concerned about their drinking, give us a call. You’ll speak to someone who understands what you’re going through and can support you to make healthier choices that will benefit all parts of your life.”

Andy, 53, turned to We Are With You for support with his drinking during the pandemic. He said: “When the first national lockdown came in it gave me even more of a reason to drink at home. I could knock back two bottles of wine in an hour easily. What else was there to do?

“Then one day I just thought I’ve had enough. I made a few calls and was referred to a With You service. I was pleasantly surprised that my worker, Lorna, didn’t judge me or label me an alcoholic.

“She asked me what I wanted to achieve and concentrated on me as a person rather than the alcohol. We worked on being more sociable and filling my time in different ways.

“To the millions of people out there going through a similar experience, my message is don’t give up. Changing your relationship with alcohol can seem like an uphill task but you’d be amazed at what you can achieve with the right support.”

The helpline is open from 12pm-8pm Monday to Friday and 10am-4pm at the weekends. Call 0808 8010750 or visit for more information.


By Jenna Sloan


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