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5 sources of community funding for renewables

Words by Smiley Team

Renewable energies are becoming increasingly vital to wean ourselves off fossil fuels. One option is to switch to a green energy provider. Alternatively, you can install renewable energy systems on your property, with the added benefit of independence from the national grid.

If you want to do this as an individual household, it can be expensive, costing the average household about £6000 to install solar panels in the UK.

[Discover more positive stories about clean and affordable energy projects]

The good news is there are many options to gain funding for renewable energy projects, especially if you want to collaborate with others in your community. Here are some possibilities available to groups across the UK.

Power in the hands of the people

Repowering is a renewable energy charity operating mainly in London. It collaborates with communities and public entities to organise renewable energy projects through cooperatively owned Community Benefit Societies. Their model involves getting businesses, organisations and individuals to invest in renewable energy projects by buying a share and becoming a member, keeping the profits within the community.

Support by investing in one of their projects here or get in touch for further information.

Rural renewables

Governmental environmental grants are available to rural communities through the Rural Community Energy Fund, a £10 million support programme. These green energy grants include up to £40,000 for a feasibility assessment, followed by grants of up to £100,000 for development and planning. 

To apply, get in touch with your local energy hub here.

Powering the North West

In North West England, community benefit societies, industrial provident societies, charities, schools and local authorities can apply for the Powering Our Communities Fund. Founded by Electricity North West, it offers a total pot of £75,000 for initiatives that show promise for piloting new organising methods, scaling up, and addressing inequalities.

Apply here by the 5 November deadline.

Fighting fuel poverty

Organisations supporting vulnerable people across London, the South East and East of England can apply for funding via Power Partners. They offer grants of between £2,000 and £20,000 to initiatives to combat fuel poverty or improve vulnerable communities’ energy resilience.

Charities and community organisations can register their interest here.

Towards a greener nation

With a deadline approaching on 18 November 2021, the National Lottery is offering funding of £1,000 to £10,000 for initiatives tackling climate change across the UK. These include projects involving green energy, as well as food, transport, waste, consumption and the natural environment.

To discuss an application ahead of COP26 email [email protected] ahead of the 18 November deadline. Find more information here.

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