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Consortium announces £290,000 funding for 43 LGBTQ+ organisations

Words by Smiley Team


Consortium, the UKs umbrella body for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender + organisations has announced the successful recipients from its latest grants programme, the LGBT+ Futures: National Emergencies Trust Fund.

43 LGBT+ organisations across the UK will share the funding, with grants ranging from £2,000 to £13,510. Recipients will undertake a diverse range of work, from Black-led LGBT+ health support and provision to support for physical activity across trans communities.

All organisations funded will work to address the increased demands placed upon their services as a result of the Covid-19 global pandemic, which has seen 40% of LGBT+ organisations reporting immediate losses in funds, a majority of LGBT+ organisations seeing increases in demand, 42% of LGBT+ people surveyed seeking support for mental health issues, 70% of LGBT+ surveyed reporting decreased mental wellbeing overall and all data pointing to additional increase for those LGBT+ people who are from communities experiencing racism, are Deaf/disabled or are trans/non-binary.

Funding for the programme is thanks to money from the National Emergencies Trust’s Coronavirus Appeal Funds, who are investing in the LGBT+ sector in recognition of how under-represented the sector has been in Covid-19 related funding to date.

“Deaf Rainbow UK is delighted to receive this funding which will combat the further isolation faced by deaf people during COVID-19 times via Online social meets with their access needs met." Tyron Woolfe, Chair of Deaf Rainbow UK, said. "A new video for deaf people questioning their gender identity will be valuable support in the absence of any accessible resources.”

Leila Zadeh, Executive Director UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group, said: “Covid-19 has resulted in a threefold increase in people contacting us for emotional support. This grant will enable us to continue supporting them during this difficult time as we deliver our services remotely. We will also be able to ensure better data security and avoid security breaches which could put our service users at serious risk.”

Additional awards totalling £60,000 will be made shortly to LGBT+ organisations in Northern Ireland and Wales. Consortium have been working with LGBT+ organisations in these areas to better understand local needs and where funds can make the most difference.

“The global pandemic has had seriously profound effects on both LGBT+ individuals in need of support, and those organisations who provide lifeline services. I am delighted National Emergencies Trust has entrusted Consortium with these funds so we can get them to where they are desperately needed." Paul Roberts OBE, Chief Executive at Consortium said.

"We know this is just a drop in the ocean in terms of LGBT+ sector need but these funds are already being put to good use to help organisations build their resilience and to be able to continue offering their services. A huge thank you to all grant recipients for their fantastic work.”

To learn more about Consortium and to read the full list of funding recipients head to their website

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