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Charity's game sparks important conversations

Words by Smiley Team

A charity dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ young people across the UK has started selling ‘Conversation Starter’ gifts to raise money and inspire important conversations.

Think2Speak founder Lizzie Jordan has been collaborating with Rebecca Strickson, an illustrator who has designed colouring books and a card game, all centred around LGBT conversations.

Lizzie has been running Think2Speak since 2015 and the charity runs a series of LGBTQ+ youth groups and peer support groups for families who have an LGBTQ+ (or identity exploring) child.

She also works with schools, providing 1-2-1 support for LGBTQ+ children from the qualified team of experienced counsellors, and educating teachers on how to be more inclusive in their work.

“A decade ago, I became a Mum, a widow and was diagnosed with HIV all in an 18-month period and so later on, my son and I had to start having a wide range of conversations," says Lizzie.

“I realised there wasn’t much out there in terms of training and resources for schools to help them start sensitive or complex conversations with children.”

[Read more inspirational charity news on Smiley Movement]

Lizzie recognised the conversations being broached by children in classrooms across the UK, and the lack of response that they would often be met with.

She and her team empower professionals to confidently handle sensitive conversations, to know who to speak to, and where to go to access further support.

Lizzie tells Smiley News that the current demand for her services is higher than ever, particularly from families or schools with young trans people in need of support.

“So many of our families have never met another family with a trans kid until they discover Think2Speak," says Lizzie.

“The power of peer support and seeing the children and their families flourish is the best part of my job. Last summer one of the children saved their birthday cake to bring to one of the groups instead of letting his family eat it!”

Every sale supporting people in need

As well as supporting LGBTQ+ young people, Lizzie has also become a high-profile advocate for HIV awareness since her own diagnosis.

Her work with Think2Speak has taken her across the country, speaking at schools and running the group’s support sessions in-person and online.

“It was nice to talk openly about things. I am sure there will be ups and downs going forward, but I feel equipped to support my child and know together we can overcome any obstacles! Think2Speak really did come along at the right moment”, says one parent who has been supported by the charity.

Inspired to act?

BUY AND DONATE: Every sale of the charity’s Conversation Starter gifts funds meeting the needs of the LGBTQ+ children who turn to Think2Speak. Buy here.

VOLUNTEER: To find out more about Think2Speak and the work they do, visit Think2Speak's website. 


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