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The Cumbria Community Foundation Pappagallino Fund has donated £15,000 to Cumbria Wildlife Trust,

Words by Smiley Team

A leading UK wildlife charity has received a financial boost recently, in recognition of the difficulties faced by voluntary sector organisations during the coronavirus pandemic. 

The Cumbria Community Foundation Pappagallino Fund has donated £15,000 to Cumbria Wildlife Trust,  the only volunteer led organisation dedicated to protecting wildlife in Cumbria, a region in the North-West of England. 


The money came from an anonymous donor and supporter of Cumbria Community Foundation who is concerned about the fragility of the charity sector in the current climate.


“We’re extremely grateful that Cumbria Community Foundation approached us about this grant and that their anonymous donor expressed a wish to support Cumbria Wildlife Trust.” Stephen Trotter, CEO of Cumbria Wildlife Trust, said. “This very generous donation will contribute to the heart of our organisation, and help us get through these difficult times,  when charities are facing a drop in donations, income and funding opportunities which have understandably been diverted to frontline organisations.”


Stephen continued: “The impacts of coronavirus on charities will be felt for years, not just months. Since the lockdown started, we’ve pared down our activities to the minimum to help see us through this time. We know that nature is very important to our wellbeing and this grant helps us to continue to give people access to nature, even when they’re at home, through our website and online events, offering activities such as wildlife recording, and by wildlife news on our social media channels.


“This year we’ve seen a 200% increase in the number of people watching our online osprey webcam, which broadcasts live footage of the osprey parents and chicks at Foulshaw Moss Nature Reserve. This shows how much people want to stay connected to nature at the moment. Even though people weren’t able to get out to experience Cumbria’s wonderful wildlife and wild places this spring, we’ve been working hard to bring nature into their homes and we look forward to resuming our wildlife conservation work out in the field as soon as it’s safe to do so.”


You can find out more about nature conservation and how to support the Cumbria Wildlife Trust on their website where you can also check out their live webcams and donate to support their work.

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