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Dow's LGBT+ leaders earn OUTstanding recognition

Words by Smiley Team

Signalling the company’s commitment to diversity in its workplaces, seven senior Dow employees have achieved top honours on OUTstanding’s 2020 LGBT+ role models lists. This is the most Dow leaders who’ve made the list in one year.

Launched in 2012, OUTstanding is a network that recognises underrepresented groups of professionals dedicated to fostering a more inclusive environment at work.

The seven honourees gained recognition across three categories: LGBT+ Executives, LGBT+ Ally Executives and LGBT+ Future Leaders. 

Their achievements range from mentoring LGBT+ talent to supporting the Equality Act in the US House of Representatives, which, if enacted, would prevent discrimination based on sexuality across public and private life.

Their chief inclusion officer and chief human resources officer Karen Carter said: “Role models inspire the next generation of leaders to live meaningful lives and lead by example with integrity, optimism, hope and determination. I’m grateful and proud to have these seven leaders on Team Dow inspiring us all.”

A testament to the chemical company’s dedication to workplace inclusivity, at least one of their workers has featured on the list each year since 2014. 

Queer the way for inclusivity at work

Inclusive working environments have numerous advantages for employers as well as employees. According to one study, inclusive teams improve workers’ performance by up to 30 per cent. Another study found that this can also result in 2.3 times higher cash flows per employee.

Supported by Yahoo Finance, OUTstanding offers a means of celebrating and encouraging diverse workplaces. If you have a colleague who deserves to make the list, you can nominate them for recognition at the next gala. Nominations open in June 2021 but you can sign up for updates via their website.

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