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Ecoflix plans to help save life on earth

Words by Smiley Team

A new, non-profit video on demand streaming service has launched, dedicated to the protection of the earth and its animals. The platform will support wildlife filmmakers, and share stories of the heroes fighting to protect habitats and the remarkable animals who depend on them. 

Ecoflix, owner by The Ecoflix Foundation, is a carefully-curated slate of programmes that has been developed to encourage widespread behavioural change. It offers inspiration to viewers, providing them with fresh ideas for how to protect animals, nature and the planet, and make a lasting difference by: volunteering their time; donating to causes; lobbying influential organisations, and helping shape a more animals and wildlife-friendly world.

No matter how small the commitment, any positive behavioural shift will play a significant part in achieving the overall goal of saving life on earth. 

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Ecoflix is the brainchild of American philanthropist and animal advocate, David Casselman, and it was founded to support and empower positive change to protect the natural world. The Ecoflix slate has been developed and produced by a multi-BAFTA and Emmy award-winning team, headed up by Fresh Start Media Creative Director, Marshall Corwin. 

The streaming platform launches with the support of numerous global non-profits. Founding NGO partners include Born Free, The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), The United Nations’ Trillion Tree Campaign, and National Park Rescue.

With a focus on empowering behavioural change, Ecoflixseeks to advance three of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – Life on Land, Life below Water and Climate Action. 

David Casselman, Ecoflix Founder and CEO, said: “My vision for Ecoflix is to touch the hearts and minds of people who care about the planet, empowering them to become a key part of a necessary worldwide shift in attitudes and actions.  We seek to provide uplifting inspiring programming which will excite people and help them realise they can be the change they want to see.”

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Ecoflix has already made strides with its philanthropic work, having financially supported The Whale Sanctuary Project in Russia, Malaysia Gibbon Rescue, The Wolf Connection in Los Angeles, and the rescue of Kaavan the elephant from captivity in a Pakistan Zoo and his relocation to TheCambodia Wildlife Sanctuary.

The team is also campaigning to secure the release of Billy the elephant from the Los Angeles Zoo, with the launch of Free Billy, the first original documentary to be released worldwide on the Ecoflix platform.  

The membership fees fund Ecoflix, with 100% of profits going directly to critical natural world campaigns that The Ecoflix Foundation is supporting. There will be no advertising on the platform – you can find out more on its official launch from 9 Nov here

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