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A green subscription to help fund climate action

Words by Smiley Team

A newly accredited B Corporation company is prioritising helping people and the planet, through tree planting and carbon reduction. By signing up to Ecologi, you can compensate for your carbon footprint, fund your climate projects and set yourself eco goals. 

For just £4.70 a month, you can see 12 trees planted every month, and 10.6 tonnes of carbon reduced every year. 

"Our mission is to connect the available climate solutions with concerned people and make overcoming climate change viable, exciting and filled with hope," says CEO, Elliot Coad. 

“We’re incredibly proud to be entering this next phase with our B Corp certification, and we’re excited to grow with these values at the forefront of everything that we do.” 

What is a B Corporation?

A B Corporation is a company that is committed to having a positive impact on society and the environment, despite making a profit. 

Once certified, successful applicants sign a legally-binding agreement that confirms their promise to always consider the impact of their decisions on stakeholders. 

Their profit is measured in impact, and reflected in how they spend their money – so 85% of their money goes directly to funding planet saving projects. 

(Read more about the UK’s first debit card to track you climate footprint)

So, what does Ecologi do?

Ecologi was initially founded by a group of environmentalists in Bristol, UK, who were frustrated that so many people were not able to contribute to the climate crisis. 

It began in early 2019, when Elliot was on his morning commute to work. He was buying a coffee just as he had done thousands of times before, and asked himself: “How much climate action could I fund with the money for a coffee?”

The answer led to a revelation, that the pocket change that billions of us have would not only be a significant upgrade to our own personal contributions to the crisis, but could also one day account for reducing half of the world’s emissions. 

(Read more about this activewear which is labelled with its carbon footprint)

They say: “Reducing our carbon footprint is entirely necessary, but the transition of change is far slower than the time we have remaining. The tools that we associate with fighting climate change are inadequate. 

“What if that change and the billions of us who care became empowered? There are enough climate solutions that are out there right now, that if we supported them, it’d undo 30 years of carbon damage by avoiding 1,500 billion tonnes of CO2.”

Find out more and sign up on the Ecologi website

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