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Helping disabled riders achieve their dreams

Words by Smiley Team

A group dedicated to horse-riding for people with disabilities in Scotland is crowdfunding to make a difference to its community. 

Equi-Power hopes to raise £141,000 to #StartSomethingSpecial – and secure the survival of life-changing services.

In 2014, Scotland lost its leading centre for disabled riders, Bannockburn RDA. There was a national outcry as more than 350 people lost access to a community that provided essential therapeutic, employment, volunteering, social and respite opportunities.

In response to the loss, Equi-Power Central Scotland was established – the charity is member of the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA). Their vision is to #StartSomethingSpecial and create a new, purpose-built RDA centre of excellence in Central Scotland. 

(Read more about the UK’s first disabled animal rehab centre)

Thee centre plans include facilities to deliver the therapeutic riding, vaulting, carriage driving, learning and volunteering opportunities that RDA is known for; with the addition of fully accessible play, toilet and café facilities that are open to all.

Amanda Namey, the group organiser, says: “For 6 years we have been developing award-winning services from a series of temporary premises. During this time, we have investigated over 30 potential sites to support our vision of a purpose built home.

“Having settled on a Stirling Council endorsed site with excellent transport links, we commissioned early technical reports and began lease negotiations. We set our sights firmly on restoring vital RDA services to the community, and bringing Equi-Power to a permanent home."

(Read more about how this twelve year old disabled child saves an activity centre)

RDA activities significantly improve the physical and psychological wellbeing of children and adults with additional support needs. They help reduce social isolation and offer opportunities for achievement and skills development, supporting those experiencing mental health challenges.

One participant, Millie, says: “Horse Riding has stopped me needing operations on my legs, and it’s had a big impact on me and on my life. It makes me happy and it’s a true part of who I am.” 

The new centre will provide opportunities to experience achievement, joy, inclusion and positive mental and physical health, with qualified coaches to encourage sporting excellence. 

Ultimately, it’s a space that allows whole families to access respite time and peer support. 

You can make a donation to Equi-Power’s Crowdfunder to help the charity reach its target.

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