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An ethical eco alternative to diamonds

Words by Smiley Team

Offering an environmentally friendly and ethical alternative to diamonds, moissanite is gaining popularity. Traditionally, diamonds have been the favourite stone for wedding rings as well as a display of power and wealth. As a sustainable swap, moissanite could help resolve the issues surrounding the diamond industry.

While diamonds can cost up to nearly £50,000 per carat, the real cost is to human life. Anyone who has watched Leonardo DiCaprio's film Blood Diamond will know of the conflicts and human rights abuses that are directly linked to diamond mining. 

As the director of Amnesty in 2000, Kate Allen said: “Diamonds from Sierra Leone have been used to fund the transfer of weapons to RUF rebels who have committed widespread human rights abuses in Sierra Leone. 

“The trade in ‘blood diamonds' must stop and be seen to be stopped,” she added.

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But diamonds also take a toll on the environment, as explained by a recent report from the Ohio State University. This includes deforestation to clear the way for mining, soil erosion and pollution from the energy used to mine the diamonds.

In contrast, moissanite avoids all these issues. Nobel Prize-winning chemist Dr Henri Moissan discovered moissanite in 1893. Examining it under a microscope, he remarked on its striking similarity to diamonds.

Since its discovery, it has become the most popular diamond alternative. But unlike real diamonds, the silicon carbide material is produced in a laboratory. This means its manufacturing process does not come with the human rights abuses and environmental damage caused by diamond mining.

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DONATE: To help combat human rights abuses around the world, donate to Amnesty International.

SUPPORT: Get involved with campaigns to support people and planet through international human rights advocacy by supporting Amnesty International’s campaigns.


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