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How to turn climate anxiety into action

Words by Smiley Team

There's a saying that when a butterfly flaps its wings, it creates a hurricane on the other side of the world. 

And, as Force of Nature says, "in the face of the climate crisis, each of us has the power to disrupt the status quo: which starts with sparking change within ourselves". 

The youth-built platform features a programme created by young people for young people, empowering them to turn their anxiety about the climate into community and vision. Because the truth is, if you feel hopeless about the climate crisis, you’re not alone; 70% of young people feel the same, and three out of four teachers don't feel equipped to teach on the subject.

Only 26% of young people claim to know how to contribute to solving the climate crisis. 

“We believe the threat even greater than the climate crisis is how powerless we feel in the face of it; and we won’t solve this crisis until we mobilise mindsets," they say. "This is why we work at the junction of mental health and the climate crisis.”

(Read more about this overlooked climate fix which could help cut emissions)

At COP26, Force of Nature launched its biggest ever campaign: “Call Your Mother. It’s a safe space to open up about the climate crisis, and connect with others who feel the same. 

“Strong emotions are proof of our empathy," they say. "Opening your heart to the emotions can be difficult to bear, but it allows us to build internal sustainability and solidarity with others.

“It is essential to remember that COP26 was not the beginning or end of climate leadership; we must continue dreaming, imagining, and taking action to bring that better world into reality.”

Volunteers coming together

Force of Nature is made up of a team of eight members, with a community network of more than 60 volunteers, and a network of 1000 students in 52 countries.

"Becoming a Force of Nature" is the 3-part programme they run, designed to help people turn eco-anxiety into agency, discover their power, and realise their potential. 

There are four ways young people can engage with their work: The Hive (Volunteering); The Dais (Speaking); The Meadow (Programme facilitating) or The Canopy (Business consulting). 

Inspired to act?

GET INVOLVED: Head to the Force of Nature website to see how you can take part.

DONATE: Donate to the youth-based nonprofit to help them further their mission. 

BECOME A SPEAKER: Share your voice and passion about the climate with others. 


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