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Charity's grants help with cost of living

Words by Smiley Team

The cost of living crisis is affecting large sections of our society – but we’re thankful that national, regional and local charities are stepping up to support them.

Yorkshire’s Brain Tumour Charity is offering emergency grants of up to £500 to help patients who are struggling financially as a result of their illness, or to help parents who are struggling as a result of their child’s diagnosis. 

These grants are not means tested, do not need to be paid back, and are processed within 10 working days. While the grants have always been available, the charity has seen a huge increase in the number of applications recently, with more patients quoting the cost of living crisis and struggling to pay household bills in their applications.

In 2021, the charity gave out 93 patient grants worth £43,103, a 69% increase in the number of grants given in 2020, and in 2022, that number has risen again.

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The charity’s emergency grants are available to help patients dealing with the financial strain of no longer being able to work due to their diagnosis, in addition to the cost of travelling to hospital appointments and other related costs. The grants can also be used to install specialist equipment, to reduce social isolation or to fulfil a special wish. 

“Brain tumours turn lives upside down and they often have a huge financial implication too,” says Marie Peacock, CEO of Yorkshire’s Brain Tumour Charity. 

“Not worrying about being able to pay the bills or having help towards these unexpected costs reduces the anxiety and stress felt by patients and families who are already facing distressing situations.”

A higher demand for support

The charity is continuing to receive a higher demand for financial support. From January to May 2022, compared to 2021, they have increased the number of grants issued by 135%.

Mandy, aged 32, has 4 young children aged under 10. Her husband has stopped working to care for her at home during her end of life. They haven’t been able to pay their bills for a few months and the grant has helped towards these costs.

Another patient, Amos, aged 20, had lost his memory due to the tumour and required full-time care. His mum has stopped working to look after him and the family are facing real struggles to pay the bills. The grant helped to ease their financial worries.

Inspired to act?

DONATE: You can make a donation to the Yorkshire Brain Tumour Charity on its website. 

VOLUNTEER: Looking for volunteering opportunities with the charity? Find out more

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