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Helping young LGBTQ+ people self-isolate in safety

Words by Smiley Team

During this crisis, many LGBTQ+ young people have been put at risk, either due to being forced to isolate in hostile environments, losing community support, or because they are already experiencing homelessness. 

AKT - a UK-based non-profit, provides essential services for young LGBTQ+ people aged 16-25 who are experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment. This support includes housing, employment-based support, mentoring as well as engagement to reduce isolation. This is all with the aim of improving wellbeing, bringing the community together and developing life-skills. 

In light of the pandemic, akt have launched several new digital initiatives including a dedicated online page for housing, employment, physical and mental health support to help young people cope during this time. Every weekday between 10am-6pm, there is a Live Chat service for any young LGBTQ+ person seeking instant support - as well as lunchtime Q&A sessions on Tuesdays at 1pm. 

Akt has also launched an emergency appeal - #aktogether - to enable them continue doing the urgent work of providing safe spaces for young LGBTQ+ people. 

Hasan, the Youth Engagement Coordinator says that ‘We have definitely seen a spike in the number of referrals from young people, which is worrying but unsurprising. The cases we are seeing require a lot of urgent support, so I would encourage those that can to donate to our emergency appeal #aktogether, so we can continue to help young LGBTQ+ people self-isolate in safety. I would also encourage people who can to get involved in mutual-aid groups in their area.’

The response to the appeal has been ‘heart-warming and fantastic’ according to Hasan. The charity has received an outpouring of support which has been a real morale boost for the team during this trying time.

If you are able, akt welcomes support for their campaign which enables them to support LGBTQ+ young people. They are also looking into remote and online-based volunteering opportunities so keep your eyes on their social media. 


By Ellen Jones

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