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How one woman did much more than clap for our carers

Words by Smiley Team

When regional fundraiser for the Stroke Association, Rebecca Broad, went on furlough in March 2020, she soon started wondering about how best to spend the empty days stretching ahead of her.

“I was sitting there on my sofa thinking about how I could utilise my skills rather than just sitting there and watching Netflix all the time,” she recalled.

Supporting frontline workers seemed like the most effective way to help during the pandemic. So she set about contacting businesses to create care packages for hospital workers in her local area of Sidcup, southeast London. 

The initiative built momentum much quicker than she had expected. Soon crates of soap from companies like Imperial Leather were arriving at her door, along with confectionery, beauty products and much more. In total, she received around £60,000 worth of goods from different producers. 

“From small prints of artwork to bags of coffee and chocolate, there were all sorts of things,” she said. “It was really important to me that there was something in each box for everyone. They were going to be placed at random but I hoped that there’d be at least one thing in each box that every person would really connect with.”

Thanks to the companies’ enthusiasm, Rebecca went on to develop the initiative and register it as an official nonprofit company, Pamperaid. Just 100 boxes for local hospitals grew to 1,000 parcels, all prepared by Rebecca with her mum, dad and brother in their front living room. 

From Sidcup, they have expanded to distribute packages to carers all around the UK and they hope to continue while health services remain under pressure. 


Share for those who care

Over a third of keyworkers have reported severe symptoms of stress and anxiety throughout the pandemic. This makes pampering all the more vital for the wellbeing of frontline carers. Dedicating a little time to yourself is proven to promote the production of ‘feel-good hormones’ which decrease stress and improve wellbeing, concentration and mood.

To help NHS workers and others in frontline care roles with their wellbeing you can purchase a Pamperaid box for £13. The proceeds cover postage as well as printing costs for leaflets and promotional materials.

Pamperaid is also looking for companies to donate more products that will put a smile on the faces of carers around the country. Already they are supported by Skinny Dip London, Imperial Leather, Jimmy’s Iced Coffee, Better You, Ohh Deer, Dr Dennis Gross, Ashleigh & Burwood London, Shuffle Truffle, Dermatonics, Yardley of London, Dr Paw Paw.

To offer corporate support get in touch via their website’s contact form.

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