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5 initiatives driving happiness at work

Words by Smiley Team

From office jobs to looking after children, work covers a wide spectrum of roles that are valued differently from place to place.

And while work can be stressful at times, wouldn’t it be ideal to find happiness in the labour we dedicate so much time to?

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To mark International Week of Happiness at Work, here are some potential pathways to a world where we can achieve joy in our workplaces.

For a green and positive workplace: Wellbeing Economy Alliance

On a wide scale, an economy designed for the common good will realign businesses to better support their workers through more ethical practices. But how do we get there? The Wellbeing Economy Alliance offers a possible answer to this. Largely led by young people, this network of organisations hopes to transform the way our economic system works so that it favours the environment and people’s wellbeing. It brings together a network of around 200 individuals and organisations of various sizes working towards this goal.

To support their work, get in touch or donate here.

For work that’s not seen as work: Basic Income UK

Championed by anthropologist David Graeber, a basic income could help parents, carers and housekeepers whose work often goes unrecognised – and therefore unpaid. It could also tackle poverty, inequality and prevent people from having to take on a job for a job’s sake, doing work that lacks purpose or is even destructive – a significant contributor to unhappiness at work. Basic Income UK is building a movement to campaign to introduce this progressive idea into British policies.

To support their work, get involved or donate here.

Positivity through purpose: On Purpose

Studies show that it's innately human to enjoy productive work. When babies first discover they can have an impact on the world – for instance, by drawing with a crayon – they will cry if you then try to stop them. Likewise, adults may become depressed without having a creative or positive impact through purposeful work. Giving people the opportunity to find jobs that fulfil this need, On Purpose is an organisation that guides job seekers to a career path that will align with their principles and values.

To benefit from their work, find more information here.

A better workplace for the world and everyone in it: Feminist Green New Deal

The Women’s Budget Group and their partner, the Women’s Environmental Network are keen for governments to adopt a Feminist Green New Deal. They hope that this will reduce CO2 emissions while promoting social equality. This will include prioritising fair and well-paid low carbon jobs, such as in the care sector to promote investment in a green, caring economy. Find out more here.

To support their work, get involved or donate here.

Positivity and mindfulness: Haptivate

To ensure employees can make the most out of their time in paid work, Haptivate collaborates with corporations to tackle mental health issues in their workplaces. They do this through science-based workshops, training and consulting to promote working environments that are productive and positive.  

To benefit from their work, get in touch here.

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