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International tool company supports builders in need through pandemic

Words by Smiley Team

International tool manufacturer DeWalt is partnering with Band of Builders, a charity that aids construction workers by offering advice, emotional support and funding as well as practical help.

DeWalt will donate power tools to their construction projects, assisting vulnerable members of their community and their families. They will boost the organisation’s profile through the company’s staff, trade customers and fundraising efforts.

Band of Builders’ PR officer and trustee, Ellen Manning explained: “DeWalt are huge in the industry, everybody has heard of them and their size and support will help raise awareness and funds. It will help us do more projects, do those projects better, get attention and get more people to apply for help and to volunteer.”


Finding care in construction

Ellen joined Band of Builders after covering their launch as a journalist for a national newspaper. A tradesman named Addam Smith founded the organisation in 2016 after his friend and fellow builder, Keith Ellick, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. 

Addam recruited volunteers from around the country to support Keith and his family by finishing the renovations on their house that they’d already started.

Remembering these early days, Ellen said: “I started to help them by spreading the word through a bit of PR and getting involved in the running of the charity. Then it snowballed from ‘wouldn’t it be great?’ to helping people in need.”

Since its creation, the charity has undertaken projects across England, Scotland and Wales to support trade professionals facing adversity.


How you can help in a time of need

Covid-19 has hit everyone hard and construction workers are no exception, feeling the blows financially and mentally.

Before the pandemic, builders’ mental health was already a pressing issue, with those in the industry three times as likely to take their own lives compared to the national average for men. Lockdown and the resulting pressures have only exacerbated this situation.

In addition to a hardship fund and practical projects, Band of Builders supports its members with their mental health through access to a community where they can share problems and advice. 

To support their work donate to Band of Builders here.

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