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Affordable housing built on Isle of Wight

Words by Smiley Team

Families on the Isle of Wight are now able to move into purpose-built affordable housing thanks to a brilliant new initiative on the island. 

More than 40 affordable houses are being built in Arreton on the Isle of Wight – and in our current cost of living crisis, this is more important than ever to help families keep living costs down.

These homes are part of an attempt to increase the amount of houses on a budget built on the Isle of Wight, which has seen a huge decline in the last few years.

Just 93 affordable properties were constructed between the years of 2015 and 2020. Staggeringly, between 2018 and 2019 no affordable units were built at all on the island.

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Due to construction delays, families were hit with the news that they may have to wait until December 2022 to move into the homes they have already waited so long for. But behind the scenes, in talks between Vectis Housing and the Isle of Wight council, there has been a push for movement which has been fruitful.

“The planning authority has confirmed that — while planning conditions require detail of highway works and access to be agreed prior to the occupation of housing — in this case the occupation of the housing and business units should not be delayed while the fine details are resolved,” said Martyn Pearl, Vectis Housing’s chief executive.

It has since been said that the units should be completed and ready for families by September. Thanks to the efforts of those behind the scenes, lower-income families on the Isle of Wight will be able to move into their new homes – and all before Christmas. 

Inspired to act?

SUPPORT: Donate to Safe Haven London to help provide affordable housing for all.

GET INVOLVED: Support Network Homes in providing affordable housing across London and Herefordshire.


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