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Lottery winner donates £60m to charity

Words by Smiley Team

A Northern Irish lottery winner who won £115 million has given away more than half of her winnings to charity – and she won’t stop there.

When Frances Connolly won the EuroMillions scoop in 2019, the 55-year-old and her husband said they agreed on a yearly charity allocation.

But three years later, Frances says she has already donated up to 2032’s budget allocation to various charities she is passionate about.

“[Helping others] gives you a buzz and it's addictive," she told PA Media. "I'm addicted to it now."

Setting up charitable foundations

Frances has also set up two charitable foundations: one named after her late mother Kathleen Graham in her native Northern Ireland – the Trust aims to support and enrich the lives of people within the community. She also set up the PFC Trust, which supports local young carers, the elderly and refugees in her hometown.

As well as charitable work, she likes to support local community groups that help people get jobs, support refugees and young carers, and provide electronic tablets for old people so they can connect with their families.

The lottery winner believes she has given away more than £60 million so far. Frances believes that winning that kind of money should be life changing in a positive way, and not alter who you are as a person.

When they won the lottery, Frances and Patrick sat down to make a list of the charities they wanted to help out. Frances says she tried to remember all those conversations she had had throughout her life about what would you do if you won the lottery.

When asked by PA News why she was happy to give so much away, she said: "Why wouldn't you? I've done that all my life.

"I'd have been a millionaire anyway if I took back all the money I've given away over the years."

Inspired to act?

GET INVOLVED: You can support the Kathleen Graham Trust by becoming a patron – find out more

DONATE: Supoprt the PFC Trust to help further their work helping local young carers and refugees. 

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