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Quiz educates people about life below water

Words by Smiley Team

What is it like to volunteer for a marine conservation charity? Emily Bulled is a volunteer for Marine Connection – here, she shares her experience. 

Ever since I was a child, I have always been in awe of the ocean.

I loved open water swimming, surfing, and learning about the diverse array of marine life that exists on the shores of the UK's coastline. It was this upbringing that gave me a care for the natural environment, and was the start of my understanding of the state of the world's oceans and its central role to life on earth.

The recognition of vital conservation issues and the devastating threats to marine species inspired me to study Conservation for my Master's degree in hope to pursue a career in marine conservation. As part of my journey down this path, I volunteer for Marine Connection, an organisation dedicated to the conservation, protection, and welfare of dolphins, whales and porpoises.

Starting at the end of 2021, I volunteered remotely, spending a few hours each week designing an interactive quiz using online design tools to educate Marine Connection's audiences about the issues of net entanglement and bycatch.

Benefits of volunteering

Not only does this work enhance my skills and experience in the marine conservation sector to take into future roles, it also allows me to transfer my conservation knowledge from my degree into useful and digestible information that can engage and educate a range of age groups about threats to marine life.

By creating a quiz, I believe it will help Marine Connection's audiences learn (and remember) what they can do to protect the future of whales, dolphins and porpoises.

From my personal experience and gradual learning, I believe ocean science education and appropriate communication is one of the most important ways that we can inspire others to make more sustainable choices, or even encourage youngsters to dedicate their life to the field.

I aim to continue to produce more content for Marine Connection in the coming months, and hope that if my work can change the perspectives of just a few people who go on to educate others, it can make all the difference.

Inspired to act? 

For more information on Marine Connection, visit

Make a donation to help them continue their conservation work. 

Find out about volunteering opportunities with Marine Connection.

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