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12 of the best mental health tips

Words by Smiley Team

We all have mental health, just like we all have physical health. And working to improve both of those is importance for our overall happiness and wellbeing in life.

For World Mental Health Day, we asked our incredible Smiley News followers the best piece of mental health advice they've ever received – and the tips shared were brilliant.

Here, we round up 12 pieces of advice.

Share far and wide with friends, loved ones, and your wider communities. The more we work together, the happier our communities will be.

The best mental health advice 12 people have received:

1. "Someone once told me if you find your thoughts spiralling negatively out of control, put on your favourite song and sing along to it. It genuinely stops the spiral!" Amy

2. "The idea that we don't need to let people live rent-free in our heads especially if they aren't good tenants & not to take the criticism of those who you'd never go to for advice is definitely something which can help us protect our peace & look after our mental heath better." Vedica

3. "Sometimes you have to grow apart to not hurt each other. Ending things and looking for oneself is healthy." Marimona

4. "Be positive no matter what happens. The sun will rise everyday and the moon and stars will always give light at night." Wilhelmina

5. "Ride the waves-topple within the waves of the storm remembering that the sun eventually will emerge & shine. My mom says, "This too shall pass." Old saying, but she's right." Jeni

6. "Life is perspective, and my perspective may differ from yours." Anon

7. "Always be real about how you feel." Feri

8. "It's okay to not be okay. That took a lot of pressure off me." Joyce

9. "Know you are just human and be kind to yourself about that. As is everyone else, just doing the best we can, so find connection in your common humanity." Angela

10. "There is no tax on thinking, opinions and views that differs from yours." Suhail

11. "If you can’t fix it now, don’t bother thinking about it." Anon

12. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." Quintin

13. "Read. Work out." Alberto.

Inspired to act?

Here are six UK-based organisations working to help people with their mental health. Support their work by following the links below.


This charity takes a forward-thinking approach, helping people with their mental health in the long term. To do this their staff link individuals with other services that will help them rebuild their lives and overcome circumstantial challenges.



Mind is one of the largest mental health charities in the UK, helping people by distributing resources and advice.


Heads Together

Co-ordinated by The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Heads Together is a campaign for better awareness about mental health issues.


Mental Health UK

Mental Health UK delivers support, services and advice for people struggling with mental health challenges across the country.


Young Minds

Dedicated to supporting young people and their parents, Young Minds offers advice, resources and campaigns to build awareness about mental health.



Run by people facing mental health challenges, Rethink helps people with expert advice, information, training, and 90 different services. They also campaign for broader change.




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