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Mindful May: Top tips from mental health charities

Words by Cheyanne Bryan

For Mental Health Awareness Week, a week dedicated to tackling stigma and encouraging prioritising mental wellbeing, Smiley News reached out to mental health charities to find out their top mental health advice. 

Tip 1: Use your support network

Your support network might include family members, friends, flatmates, teachers and/or health professionals such as your GP. Talk to them about any worries you have about managing your mental health at the moment.

Tip 2: Keep an eye on how you’re doing

Keep an eye out for your sleep worsening, changes in appetite, or particular behaviours. You may find it helpful to keep a symptom diary or checker and to use any strategies that you know can help you, when you notice these changes.

The first two tips come from the Student Space website. Student Space is a free collective resource for higher education students to offer guidance and support throughout their studies/ student life. 

Tip 3: Find a method of communication that feels right for you

This might be a face-to-face conversation, or you might find it easier to talk on the phone. You may feel more comfortable being creative by expressing yourself through music or spoken word – whichever is best for you.

This tip is from Stephen Buckley, Head of Information at Mind. Mind focuses on mental health advocacy and support. They offer a variety of services, including helplines, online resources, and local support groups, to ensure that those in need have access to help and resources. 

Tip 4: If you’re concerned about someone, ask how they’re feeling  

Don’t be shy to ask how someone is feeling. Try to find a time and place that is free from distractions and use open questions rather than offer your point of view or advice.

Tip 5: Be an active listener

This means focusing on the person completely, refraining from filling silences, and checking that your understanding of what they have said is accurate.

The last two tips came from a spokesperson at Samaritans. Samaritans is a charity that aims to alleviate emotional distress and prevent suicide. They offer a confidential helpline that operates 24/7, allowing individuals to talk about their feelings and concerns with trained volunteers who provide non-judgmental listening and support.

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article. 

Campaign Against Living Miserably(CALM). This is a national charity that takes a stand against suicide through conversations and lifesaving services. Learn more here.

Rethink Mental Illness. This UK-based charity seeks to improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness through local groups and services. Find out more here.

Active Minds. This nonprofit organisation is based in the US and is dedicated to mental health, especially among young adults, focusing on interaction. Support them here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Good Health and Wellbeing.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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