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New lifeboat equipment can save 20 lives in just 90 seconds

Words by Blyth Brentnall

Image: RNLI/Nathan Williams

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) has unveiled new equipment that can rescue people from the sea at an unprecedented speed.

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The RNLI has developed and tested an inflatable platform known as “sea stairs” which they found can help people from the water much quicker than other means.

The sea rescue charity also hopes the equipment will see uptake around the world. It could be used to help people from sinking vessels, small unseaworthy boats and ferry accidents.

Head of Lifeboats Simon Ling described the equipment as “the difference between life and death”.

“Potentially, this is a game-changing piece of lifesaving equipment, which we hope to roll out, not just to our crews operating in the Channel but also to other RNLI crews around the coast of the UK and Ireland,” he explained.

The RNLI plans to distribute the equipment to its 238 lifeboat stations as well with other search and rescue organisations around the world.

Charity check-in 

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article.

RNLI. The UK’s national search and rescue charity saving lives at sea. Learn more here.

SARAID. The UK’s first and only voluntary international search and rescue team. Support them here.

Channel Rescue. A small voluntary group monitoring small boats crossing the channel. Learn more here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

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