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Community makes it easier to build friendships

Words by Smiley Team

Friendship is one of life’s true joys, but as New Yorker Marissa Meizz found, it’s not always easy to find. 

In 2021, a man on TikTok uploaded a video, saying: “Marissa… I just walked by your friends, and I need to tell you that the weekend you’re away is not the only time they could do their birthday party. They're choosing to do it the weekend you’re away, and you need to know. TikTok, help me find Marissa.”

The Marissa in question was Marissa Meizz – and she soon went viral for discovering that her friends were plotting to exclude her. 

She decided to turn lemons into lemonade, and find new friends who wouldn't let her down like her old ones. It sparked a movement, connecting lonely young people.

No More Lonely Friends is a community that makes it easier to build new friends – and, most importantly, encourages anyone involved to foster friendships that lift them up, rather than tear them down.

(Learn more about friendship from this film created by a youth communications charity)

It hosts in-person meet-ups and park picnics, to help fight the loneliness epidemic. 

One attendee said: “A month ago today I made one of the best decisions of my life to drive alone to a park full of strangers. I didn’t post about it much at first because I was worried it would be another in a long line of failed attempts at connection. Instead I found a support group, a social club, and a community of inspiring humans who are down for everything from crying in a park together to happy hours to drag brunches.

“Marissa, I don’t know if you realise yet how many lives you’ve changed by opening up this incredible chance for support, after one of the loneliness periods in history.” 

(Read more about this friendship charity which provides companions for the elderly)

People worldwide are now using the No More Lonely Friends hashtags and Instagram comments sections to connect with people and discuss attending future events – and it’s thought the NMLT meet-ups might come to the UK soon as well. 

Writing on her Instagram Marissa said: “Never in a million years did I think I would be able to help people in such a fun way. We have cried together, laughed, learned a ton and became a better friend with you all. If you have made it to a meetup, give yourself a pat on the back for doing something you usually wouldn’t do. You came out, talked to people and broke an anxiety barrier. That is a step forward.”

She added: “In life, we need companionship to survive. I have longed for good company my entire life, and now with NMLF I have found friends reaching to achieve the same.”

Follow Marissa’s Friend Club on Instagram to keep up to date.

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