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Women cricketers to be paid the same as men

Words by Smiley Team

New Zealand cricketers will be paid the same whether they're playing for the men's or women’s teams, in a win for gender equality.

On 1 August 2022, the decision will take effect, meaning both the men’s and women’s team members will be paid the same amount for each cricket match. 

It's been part of a major agreement struck between New Zealand Cricket, the six major associations and the player’s union. 

Sophie Devine, captain of the New Zealand women’s team, called the new deal a “game-changer”. 

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Though the players for the men’s teams are still likely to earn more per annum than the women’s teams – simply based on the frequency and number of games they play – this is a huge step forward. Gender equality in professional sports has been a longstanding issue, especially when it comes to the pay gap.

The agreement means that the men's and women’s teams will earn approximately 30% of New Zealand Cricket’s revenues over the next five years. This will add up to approximately 104 million New Zealand dollars, the equivalent of over £53 million.

“It’s great for the international and domestic women players to be recognized in the same agreement, alongside the men,” added Sophie. “It’s a massive step forward and will be a huge drawcard for young women and girls.”

Inspired to act?

DONATE: Give to ActionAid, and help them to advocate for women’s rights across the globe.

GET INVOLVED: Support the Fawcett Society, and help them to advocate for closing the gender pay gap.


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