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Sustainable brand get staff to plant trees

Words by Smiley Team

Paper Culture is all about eco-friendly products – the sustainable brand sells wall art, invitations, and other stationery products. 

But what makes them stand out is their initiative to plant more trees in the world. "We design for a world of trees, because we fear for a world without them," they say.

Paper Culture plants a tree with every order and has already planted more than 1,000,000 since its launch. "Our team literally picks up shovels and plants trees in our community," they say. "But we also partner with national and international arborists to plant trees in areas of need throughout the globe."

Instead of cutting down forests to fulfil your order, the company uses post-consumer waste and wood alternatives. "We offset the carbon footprint we create," they add. 

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Our City Forest and Trees for the Future are just a few of the organizations they work with to make sure that trees are planted where they are most needed. They also work with local schools and municipalities to see which areas need tree planing the most. 

On a national level, Paper Culture's primary focus in the United States is on State and National Forests that have been affected by fires, insects, and disease. They have long-standing relationships with organizations like the Arbor Day Foundation and

And worldwide, they put their efforts into areas where planting trees can save lives even more directly, such as by generating income or providing a safe place to live and eat. They've recently begun working with a community in Tanzania's Tabora region to implement forest gardens in partnership with Trees for the Future.

The locals create a mini-ecosystem with each forest garden, which enriches their land, provides food for the community, generates income from surplus produce, and has significant environmental benefits for both the community and the planet in general.

[Read more: A million more trees in New York City]

"The tree we save and the tree we plant may be the tree we climbed as youth, the tree we sit underneath on our first date, the tree that helps build our house, the tree that cools our earth, or the tree that provides the air we breathe,” they company shared on their Facebook page.

Inspired to act?

HELP PLANT TREES: There is still more work to do and you easiest way for you to get involved in to place an order.

VOLUNTEER: Trees for the Future are always on the lookout for people who want to get involved in their charity work. 

DONATE: Donate to Our City Forest to help tree planting in urban areas. 

Photo by Jachan DeVol on Unsplash

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