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Paralympians will be competing!

Words by Cheyanne Bryan

With the aim of challenging language bias, several top Paralympians have announced they will not be “participating” in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games as part of a new campaign by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). 

Athletes like Australian canoe champion Curtis McGrath, Italian sprinter Amber Sabatini, and Argentinian wheelchair tennis star Gustavo Fernandez shared graphics on Instagram, beginning with the statement, “I won’t be participating at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.” Swiping left reveals the message, “I will be competing,” underscoring that Paralympians should be recognised for their competitive spirit and skills, rather than merely for their participation.

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Craig Spence, IPC's Chief Brand and Communications Officer, emphasised in a statement the need to redefine how Paralympians are labelled in media, stating they are often seen as “participants” rather than “competitors.” 

With 4,400 elite athletes set to compete across 22 sports in Paris, Craig Spence insists it’s crucial to recognise their dedication and the high level of competition. 

The campaign, which was created by adam&eve DDB, a creative agency known for producing multiple award-winning international campaigns for the IPC,  aims to spark discussions about the importance of language in shaping perceptions of athletes with disabilities leading up to the 2024 Games.

Find out more about the campaign and the importance of challenging language in sport, here:

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article. 

Change Mental Health. This Scotland-based and compassion-focused charity provides support to people suffering from a variety of mental illnesses. Support them here.

MK ACT. This organisation works in the Milton Keynes area to provide support for more than 100 families daily who are suffering from the rot of domestic violence. Learn more here.

Ambitious about Autism. This charity focuses on making the education system more accessible and accommodating towards children with autism. Read more here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Reduced Inequalities, Partnerships For The Goals.

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