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Paul Polman talks sustainable practices at UN Global Compact Network UK

Words by Cheyanne Bryan

Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever and Sustainable Development Goals Advocate since 2017, has dedicated his career to creating a more sustainable world. He became recognised across the world as a leading voice in his advocacy for sustainable business models and his efforts to drive positive change within the corporate world.

He was also a member of the UN Secretary General's High-Level Panel, a group tasked to develop the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2012 to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).  

The Dutch businessman is known globally for his term as the CEO of Unilever, a multinational consumer goods company between 2009 and 2018. During his time at Unilever, Polman focused on sustainability and social responsibility, implementing initiatives to reduce the company's environmental impact and promote ethical business practices.

He implemented the Sustainable Living Plan, a comprehensive strategy aimed at reducing the company's environmental footprint and improving social impact which garnered a lot of attention and resulted in Unilever consistently ranking 1st in the world for sustainability.  

In October 2021, his book titled ‘Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More than They Take’ and co-authored with Andrew S. Winston was published. The book explores prevalent corporate myths in terms of embracing a future-positive business model that will adapt to the world. 


In a fireside chat at the UN Global Compact Network UK on Forward Faster: Leading the way to a Sustainable Future, Paul Polman was asked ‘With the target for the goals set in 5 years time, how can we accelerate progress and where do you think businesses could make the biggest progress?’ He answered: “The goals will be achieved if we increase our ambitions.” 

He continues: “The second thing we need to do is recognise that it’s too challenging and objective to do it alone, so we need to forge more of these transformative partnerships. And they are happening in the industry sectors and across industry sectors.

[The] third thing that we need to do [...] is to be out there more, individually and collectively. In terms of advocating for the right policies.” 

Paul Polman believes and credits active and collaborative participation as the way forward to achieving the UN SDGs at all - specially ahead of the 2030 deadline.  

How companies can show leadership and accelerate action to deliver ambitious sustainability targets in the face of increased stakeholder pressure. 

Charity check-in

At Smiley Movement, we like to elevate the work of charities across the world. Here are three charities whose causes align with the themes in this article. 

Friends of the Earth. This is an international network of grassroots environmental organisations based in 73 countries around the world. Find out more.

Work for Good. This organisation encourages and helps businesses raise funds for charity.  Learn more here.

Solar Aid. This is an international charity that combats poverty and climate change through social enterprise. Support them here.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Responsible Consumption and Production.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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