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Messages of solidarity for Mother's Day

Words by Smiley Team

A social network has launched a campaign to support those who find Mother's Day difficult, to help them have a more joyful day. 

Ahead of Mother’s Day on 27 March, Peanut wanted to acknowledge the fact that almost 3 in 5 women find the celebration emotional.

For people who are having fertility issues, grieving baby loss, coming to terms with motherhood or are grieving the loss of their own mothers, Mother’s Day can be triggering.

“Absence of community during women’s life stages, such as fertility, pregnancy, motherhood and menopause, means that these topics have a social taboo leading to feelings of isolation, loneliness and depression," says Michelle Kennedy, Peanut’s founder and CEO.

“This campaign aims to shine a light on these struggles, normalise the conversation and let women know they’re not alone. No one should have to suffer in silence, especially on Mother’s Day.” 

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Peanut is an online community that connects women throughout life stages, providing a safe space to meet women nearby going through similar experiences. The platform has 2.5 million users, many seeking community whilst navigating fertility, pregnancy, motherhood, menopause, or related issues.

Peanut carried out research among the community of users in preparation for Mother’s Day to find out how it affects people.

“I lost my mom a few years ago to cancer. Mother’s Day reminds me of all the times I missed her, especially when I had my own daughter and I was struggling with mental health and had no one to turn to," says one user, Warda.

“I have a very strained relationship with my mother and on Mother’s Day— even though I am a mother now— it makes me see all the ways I want to do better. It should be inspiring maybe, but feels a bit sad," says Hannah, also a user of Peanut. 

Messages of solidarity

On billboards and bus stops around the city, there will be the following messages displayed, inspired by the stories of the Peanut community and hoping to show solidarity:

To the woman fighting back tears when she walks past the baby aisle, you’re not alone.
To the woman longing to become a mother, you’re not alone.
To the woman who’s had a long day being pregnant, you’re not alone.
To the woman trying to embrace her pregnancy body, you’re not alone.
To the woman struggling to love her post-baby body, you’re not alone.
To the woman who feels like she doesn’t belong to herself, you’re not alone.
To the woman carrying the invisible load of motherhood, you’re not alone.
To the woman lost in the trenches of postpartum, you’re not alone.
To the woman who finds Mother’s Day hard, you’re not alone.
To the woman fighting a battle that no one knows about, you’re not alone.

The campaign has been rolled out across London since 14 March and will be in place through to Mother’s Day on 27 March.

Inspired to act?

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: To find out more about the Peanut app and how to join, visit: .

SUPPORT: To help find support for those who might be grieving, donate or volunteer with Grief Encounter. 

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