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A 24-hour power cycle for kids in need

Words by Smiley Team

Travel agency bosses swapped their suits for cycling shorts in a mission to spin 611 miles in 24 hours to raise money for Derian House Children’s Hospice.

Colleagues Alex Dixon and Nadeem Vali from World Travel Holdings UK Ltd (WTH UK), based in Chorley, had sweat pouring from their faces as they pedalled from 12pm on Thursday 28 July until 12pm the next day – and have so far raised almost £2,000.

On stationary bikes borrowed from JD Gyms Preston, the pair took turns over one-hour intervals so that they could rest, sleep and eat.

Their colleagues jumped at the chance to help rack up some more mileage with staff joining in during the day, and those that couldn’t make it cheered them on as they followed along on a YouTube live-stream.

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The cycle challenge kick-started the business’s pledge to raise money for Derian House, their chosen ‘Charity of the Year’ and a hospice that has close links to the company’s friends and family.

Not only have the travel experts completed the cycle challenge, but they also raised £5,000 for Derian House through discretionary donations on their holiday bookings.

Charlotte Hughes, Trainer at World Travel Holdings UK, who helped out with a half-hour cycle, said: “Derian House is an amazing charity which is invaluable to the families that they help. When I knew World Travel Holdings were doing something to support the hospice in July I jumped at the chance to get involved. I can see what a true difference this charity makes to people’s lives – their time together can be short which makes it even more precious and every penny raised is so important!

“I have a close friend who was hesitant to use a hospice when her baby was diagnosed with a life-limiting condition – fast forward 12 months and she will be forever grateful she did. The charity has provided her with quality time for her family as one unit without all of the machines and wires they have to contend with at home. They enjoy story times, swimming and coffee afternoons together to name just a few. Bring on the next fundraiser!”

Ellie Smith, Community Fundraiser at Derian House, said: “The enthusiasm the WTH team had on the day was incredible!

“We couldn’t do what we do without the dedication of our supporters, like Alex, Nadeem and the whole team, who put in their all to raise money for our children and their families.”

Derian House provides respite and end-of-life care to more than 450 children and young people across the North West.

Inspired to act?

DONATE: You can still support the World Travel Holding's fundraiser on their JustGiving page

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