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M&S doubles LGBT+ support for Pride Month

Words by Smiley Team

It’s 50 years since LGBT+ communities took to the streets following the Stonewall Riots for the first-ever Pride. To mark the occasion, Marks & Spencer is doubling donations to akt, a charity tackling LGBT+ youth homelessness.

Every time shoppers purchase items from the company’s stores this June, they will have the option to donate to the charity, helping to support young people by putting a roof over their heads and helping them to rebuild their lives.

Carrie Reiners, the deputy CEO of akt, explained: “Coming out isn’t always easy or simple and some may face abuse or rejection from their families and within their communities. One in four young people who face homelessness identify as LGBTQ+ which is much higher than the general population.”

“It’s a dangerous cycle we’re trying to stop,” she added.

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LGBT+ people supported by akt receive accommodation via the charity’s hosts as well as peer support, training and education to give them independence in the long term.

The charity has helped young people like Harriett, who came to akt via a youth group in Newcastle after experiencing transphobic abuse at home. She was welcomed into a home by a trained akt host so she could continue her studies, build confidence and successfully leave college with two distinctions, gaining a place to study law and business at university. 

“I can’t thank akt enough,” said Harriett. “It’s really sad to say goodbye to my host and caseworker, but I’m excited too.”

Inspired to act?

DONATE: Support young LGBT+ people affected by homelessness, by donating to akt via the M&S Sparks app or online – M&S will double your contribution every time you shop during June.

VOLUNTEER: Lend a helping hand to young LGBT+ people. Volunteer for akt.


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