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Rainforest Trust protects more than 1m acres

Words by Smiley Team

In a time when climate action is on everybody’s mind, non-profit Rainforest Trust has been busy safeguarding vital land across the globe.

The trust recently announced that it had already protected more than one million acres of habitat in 2022 so far, with its partners.

Rainforest Trust identifies biodiversity hotspots that need protection, to preserve the habitats and the species that rely on them. Areas protected in 2022 to date include locations in Belize, Ecuador, Guatemala, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.

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Rainforest Trust worked with Re:Wild in Belize to protect the Maya Forest Corridor, home of the Critically Endangered Central American River Turtle. It's the only living species in its family and researchers have identified this site as the most vital location in Belize for the protection of the species.

The charity also worked with Sumac Muyu Foundation and Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco in Ecuador to protect acres in the Bigal Biological and Rio Canandé Reserves. 

The Río Canandé Reserve is a refuge for more than 350 different bird species, as well as the Mache Cochran Frog, and the largest surviving population of Brown-headed Spider Monkeys.

Spider Monkeys are also at risk, being one of the most endangered primates in the world and in need of habitat protection. Those are just two of the projects that Rainforest Trust has worked on since January.

The journey so far

Founded in 1988, the non-profit organisation is primarily focused on the purchase and protection of tropical lands to strategically conserve threatened species. 

Protected areas are one of the most cost-effective ways to safeguard nature, vulnerable human populations, and climate.

Around 99% of the forest area Rainforest Trust has protected so far remains standing post protection. In September 2021, the organisation promised $500 million to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030.

This pledge highlights the increasing importance of protected areas, and the role they play in the future of conservation, and species loss. 

Since 1988, Rainforest Trust has protected more than 38 million acres and is on its way to protecting 125 million additional acres of habitat by 2025.

Inspired to act?

DONATE: You can support Rainforest Trust’s work across the globe with a donation or as a business supporter. 

PLANT: You can volunteer to plant trees in local forests (rather than rainforests!) to help protect nature across the UK. Find out more

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