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The growing movement of 'Raktivists'

Words by Smiley Team

We should spread kindness every day of the year – but on 17 February, individuals, groups, and organizations around the country come together in an effort to promote acts of generosity for National Random Acts of Kindness Day.

Kindness doesn’t only offer joy to the recipient, but also to the giver. The awareness week has been created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation – a globally recognized nonprofit dedicated to encouraging acts of kindness through resources and tools. 

This year, the foundation is encouraging people to help #MakeKindnesstheNorm. “The work to create a kinder world never ends,” it states. “There is no limit on the amount of goodness we can put into the world.” Members of the public can browse inspirational kindness ideas on the website, from planting a tree, to being kind to food servers. Families and teachers can download free lesson plans and training materials, too.

Become a “Raktivist”

The foundation is encouraging people to get involved in kindness by becoming a “RAKtivist” – this is a “random acts of kindness activist”.

“RAKtivists are the heroes of our organization,” they say. “They live and breathe kindness, share knowledge and lead by example. You can tell where they’ve been because they leave a trail of warm-and-fuzzy feelings in their wake.”

There are currently 41,880 Raktivists from 89 different countries on the foundation’s site. You can sign up and help make kindness the norm

Who else is spreading kindness in the US?

Another nonprofit worth knowing about is the Making Caring Common Project, from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

It’s all about raising kids who care about others and the common good. Since 2013, it has been the goal of the founders to establish a society where children learn to care about others and the greater good, treat others with respect, and develop a sense of fairness and justice. 

“We believe that young people with these capacities will become community members and citizens who can strengthen our democracy, mend the fractures that divide us, and create a more caring, just world,” they say. 

So, how do they do it? The Making Caring Common Project works directly with schools and educators through their Caring Schools Network, as well as developing initiatives to identify and create strategies for parents and caregivers that develop children’s gratitude, empathy, and diligence.

Inspired to be kind?

ENGAGE: Get involved and use the resources created by the Making Caring Common project.

SIGN UP: Apply to become a Raktivist with the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

GET INVOLVED: Help spread kindness by using the nonprofit's resources to spread positivity around the world


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