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Remembrance Poppies go green

Words by Abi Scaife

Remembrance Day poppies are going eco-friendly.

Tell me more.

The Royal British Legion has made the decision to make their classic remembrance day poppies out of paper from now on.

The call means that this year, poppies will have a 40% smaller carbon footprint than usual, and are able to be recycled at home.

What else?

The poppies will be made out of ‘upcycled fibre’ - offcuts from the paper cup industry, created using wood pulp from FSC certified sources.

While the old poppies that still include plastic will still be available this year, that is only until current stocks run out, to reduce waste. After these current stocks are gone, it’s paper all the way!

If you want to support the Royal British Legion ahead of Remembrance Day, you can do so on their website, whether that is by volunteering, fundraising or donating.

This article aligns with the UN SDG Climate Action.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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