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Restorative gardening is in for 2023

Words by Abi Scaife

Restorative gardening is in, according to the Royal Horticultural Society, in a huge win for the climate, biodiversity and accessibility.

Tell me more.

The RHS Chelsea Garden Show announced trends they think we will be seeing in 2023 - and it’s all good. Restorative gardening is on the rise - as is a move towards future-proofing our gardens.

What does restorative gardening actually mean?

Restorative gardening is all about wellness and using nature to help contribute positively to our physical and mental health, as well as the environment around us.

In 2023, RHS believes we'll be seeing more gardens designed to contribute to our wellbeing and the wellbeing of our planet - based on the gardens announced for the 2023 Chelsea Garden Show.

What are we going to see at the RHS Chelsea Garden Show 2023?

The Royal Entomological Society Garden designed by Chelsea Gold medal winner Tom Massey is created with bugs in mind. The garden is an ‘insect’s eye view’ into our world, highlighting the importance of biodiversity and designed to be a perfect haven for some of our smallest critters.

Horatio’s Garden designed by Charlotte Harris and Hugo Bugg is a garden designed to be wheelchair accessible, based on evidence that access to nature is hugely beneficial to people in long-term hospital care. This garden will be relocated to Northern General Hospital Sheffield to benefit its patients and staff.

There are plenty of other gardens to see that have all been designed with wellness in mind - whether that’s for us, or our planet.

Find out more.

This article aligns with the UN SDGs Good Health and Wellbeing and Climate Action.

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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