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This secret Insta account makes people feel less alone

Words by Smiley Team

A new Instagram account has launched to harness the positive power of social media and make people feel less alone.

The Secret Keepers was created at the beginning of December by journalist Olivia Petter and photographer Alex Cameron – and so far, has almost 2,000 followers.

Its aim is to keep the deepest secrets you’re too afraid to share. No topic is taboo, or too shocking or shameful – from motherhood to mental health, to money worries, grief, relationships, and much more.

Users can submit a secret anonymously, then others can respond with advice, solidarity, or words of reassurance.

Given that social media is often criticised for being a highlight reel, presenting a glossy veneer on reality, The Secret Keepers is an antidote, where people can share honestly what is on their mind. 

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So far, it’s been an astounding glimpse into people’s inner lives and experiences – and how we're never as alone as we think we are. Someone else has always been through what we might be struggling with. 

One person wrote: “I’m pretty sure I have ADHD and I just feel like I can’t get anything done.”

In response, another stranger said: “Could you just tell this person that they are not alone. I’m going through the same thing. I’m 27 and I feel like I’ll never to be able to have/keep a job. I spend entire days on things other people get done in half an hour.”

Someone else commented: “You’re not alone. I asked for a referral from a GP to be assessed properly last week!”

When someone else shared that they don’t think they will ever feel okay again, after their nan recently passed away, the replies were heartwarming.

(Read more about this woman touring in an ice cream van to learn more about grief

Someone responded: “My advice is to accept the pain and let yourself grieve. I didn’t and I think I’ll always carry it because of that. But grief is a beautiful thing because it means you shared a lot of love. The tears are an expression of that. You’ll be ok.”

Another shared a beautiful analogy, saying: “When you first experience grief it’s like being given a really heavy suitcase, you could spend months or weeks walking around with this suitcase, it’s heavy and annoying, it gets in the way and stops you in your tracks but then one day you finally realise the suitcase has wheels!

"You then go about your day to day wheeling about this suitcase and you get stronger and feel as though you’re not being held down by the weight anymore, it’s easier, it’s never gone but it’s easier."

Every month, The Secret Keeper will call for you to share your secrets. Follow The Secret Keeper on Instagram.

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