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Shelter is working to ensure that the thousands of private renters made homeless as pandemic unfolds do not go without the support

Words by Smiley Team

Research conducted by the charity shows that between January and March 2020 a quarter (25%) of households who were facing homelessness and applied to their local council for assistance were renting from a private landlord at the time.


20% of households facing homelessness lost their last settled home due to the ending of a private tenancy. Of these households, a quarter lost their tenancy as a result of rent arrears.


In just three months, almost 5,000 households were threatened with homelessness as a result of being served with a Section 21 ‘no-fault’ eviction notice - equating to 12% of all households found to be threatened with homelessness.


At the time the Covid-19 crisis was unfolding, more than half (52%) of households found to be homeless by their local council were not helped to find a home.


Existing Shelter research shows almost 230,000 private renters in England have fallen into arrears since the pandemic started, which could put their home at risk. And despite the evictions ban, more than 170,000 private tenants have already been threatened with eviction by their landlord or letting agent.


Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness by providing advice, support and legal services. They also campaign to make sure that everyone has access to safe housing and that, one day, no one will have to turn to them for help.


Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter said: “Today’s figures show private renters were already badly affected by homelessness when the pandemic was just taking hold. Thousands more renters have since had their lives turned upside down as the country descends into economic free-fall.  


“The coming months are likely to see a devastating homelessness crisis unfold unless the government steps in to safeguard people’s homes. Some may even face sleeping on the streets as councils struggle to cope with the intense pressure on oversubscribed services.  

The  ban on evictions brought in by the government was set to end in late August but has been extended for a further four weeks, taking the ban to a length of six months. 


Neate continues: "As we know from our many years of fighting homelessness, it is so much harder to get back on your feet without a safe home. When Parliament returns in September, the government must change the law to give judges the power to stop renters being evicted because of Covid-19. As well as ensuring councils have the mandate and resources to help anyone facing homelessness during the undeniably stormy months ahead.”  


Shelter needs your support to continue their work supporting people with their housing. There are a huge range of ways to get involved including through donating, volunteering, campaigning or getting involved with their events. Head to to find out more. 


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