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Smiley Talks: all you need to know

Words by Smiley Team

Smiley Movement is a cross-media platform that spotlights impactful work of charities, CSR initiatives, and everyday heroes. We take a solutions-based approach – mobilising ideas for change, and inspiring positive action.

As well as our daily dose of Smiley News, annual Charity Film Awards, and inspiring podcast Defiant Optimism, we also run Smiley Talks. Here’s a little bit more about them.

What are Smiley Talks?

Smiley Talks are inspiring, virtual events aimed to discuss and tackle solutions to real-world issues and promote proven strategies. We touch on issues in our world but, more importantly, focus on what communities, individuals, and organisations can do to help combat these.

All our Talks are aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, and they feature panel discussions with charity speakers, campaigners, educators and those with lived experiences. 

What’s the format?

Our Smiley Talks are one-hour lunchtime events live-streamed across all our social media platforms. Hosted by our Chief Editor, Amy Packham, we bring together experts for lively and inspiring discussions. 

All our Talks give you practical actions you can take away and implement within your own lives or communities. Our events usually have upwards of 250,000 watchers on social media.

How often do you run them?

We aim to run Smiley Talks twice a month, touching on a range of topics that align with the UN’s SDGs. 

What events have you run in the past?

Lots! You can view all our past events here. You can also view all speaker interviews and highlights of our Talks on our YouTube playlist.

We ran an inspiring discussion on International Women’s Day around gender equality in the workplace, an insightful event during Veganuary on the best diet for the planet, as well as an important discussion around disability inclusion to make a more equal society. That’s just a taste of what we do!

How can I get involved?

We plan our schedule of Smiley Talks in advance, so are always looking for inspiring changemakers who’d like to get involved and be part of our Smiley Talk panels.

If you’re interested, email our Chief Editor, Amy, on [email protected].

This article aligns with the following UN SDGs

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