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Vibrant soap helps women in Afghanistan

Words by Smiley Team

Saving the planet and fighting equality are two core missions of The Soapbox Project in West Cork – social enterprise that makes products with natural, ethical and environmentally kind ingredients. 

It’s founded by skincare expert Delia Van Hemmen and was born out of a conversation she had with her daughter, who had come home from school in despair about the state of the planet.

“The Soapbox Project was set up in that moment, for one reason alone," she said. "To give my children hope - to reassure them, to show that each of us can make a difference, that the future of the planet need not be doomed because of the inaction of politicians and big business. 

“As a family, we looked around the house to see how we could make a difference. We saw the bathroom shelf full of plastic bottles. From that day nearly three years ago to this, we have been on a mission to rid the bathroom of plastic and to replace shampoo and conditioner in particular with solid bars. Our bathroom is a plastic-free zone!"

(Read more about this fish sculpture tackling plastic waste

As well as helping to save the planet, The Soapbox Project prides itself on speaking up for those in society who have experienced inequality or lost their voice. In its latest project it’s collaborating with Amnesty International through the creation of gorgeous shampoo and body bars, inspired by the hashtag #donttouchmyclothes. 

It’s a social media campaign within the Afghan diaspora that celebrates pre-Taliban dress traditions, and mourns the loss of that freedom, with the recent Taliban takeover.

The traditional dresses are beautiful and multi-coloured and these influenced the creation of colourful shampoo bars, based on four themes: Love, Brave, Warrior and Hope. 

Right now in Afghanistan, thousands of human rights defenders, journalists and academics are at imminent risk of reprisals. Women human rights defenders face the worst danger. Amnesty continues to protect individuals who are most at risk.

Part of the proceeds from the shampoo bars will help fund Amnesty International’s response – and they were crafted especially by Delia, each with a different blend of scents, and can be used all over the body. 

(Read more about the positive ways to help the people of Afghanistan

'Love' combines jasmine, sweet orange, rose and sandalwood, to transport you to a summer’s evening in a peaceful paradise. 'Brave' is a blend of cypress, frankincense, cinnamon and lemon. 'Warrior' is a bar for heroes in the making, and for those who are ready to stand up for what they believe in. And 'Hope' is an "uplifting combination of eucalyptus and peppermint to lift your spirits and invigorate you". 

Find out more about The Soapbox Project’s collaboration with Amnesty International and buy a buy to support people in society who experience inequality.

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